Awakening is the healing of the human soul

Year Two
(4) four-day weekends
Year Two of training is one of depth, insight and revelation as we begin to delve into the Kabbalah, the mystical vision of the creation of the universe, the process of manifestation and its depiction of the Etz Chayyim or Tree of Life and its relevance to our life here and now.
The Tree of Life is a living, dynamic description of the relational matrix of opposites in the ongoing, ever-present unfolding of creation. The Four Universes and the Tree of Life—explored in the second year—reveal to us the nature of reality as finite and infinite, holographic and linear, and by so doing, reveal our human destiny. We also now begin to go deeply into the Nondual Kabbalistic Healings themselves.
On a personal level, in Year Two we continue to discover what it means to be in a healing relationship with ourselves, including the aspects of ourselves that we abandoned in order to survive our childhood wounds. We look deeply at healing the personal self from the vantage point of the new material we are learning together, including the relationship of opposites and the nondual nature of reality.
We learn to stop trying to rid ourselves of the imperfections and struggles of being an ego personality and discover the importance of healing the ego instead. We learn to heal with compassion and kindness through inviting in aspects of ourselves, rather than attempting to cut them out. We discover the importance of healing the ego and holding ourselves with tenderness and respect.
We learn, perhaps for the first time, that the ego, when healed or returned to its proper form and place, becomes a place of great holiness and wholeness in relationship to all that is. We receive a glimpse of what it means to be made in the image of God and live as an awakening being.