Healings with Jason

Returning to the World of Red Dust
In 1978, after having been extremely ill for several years with what turned out to be Lyme disease—a disease unknown at that time—I went to see a medical intuitive who told me that I was meant to be a healer. This surprising thought, about an area I had little interest in, began a revolution in my thinking and being and eventually led to dedicating my life to creating a path of healing that was at once kind and replicable and that asked for the healer themselves to be healing in order to heal others.
Now, forty years later, after creating this path and passing it on to others, in addition to my teaching duties, I am returning to my first love: healing others. I offer hour-long and half-hour long sessions. I call these sessions The Cup of Kindness healings.
Please note:
Jason will be on sabbatical until January 2024, please check back here for updates on his healing schedule.
Jason sends his blessings to all his companions on this path of healing.
How to Book Sessions
You can book sessions online through a secure and private booking system on this website. Please click on Book a Session with Jason.
As with any art such as healing, sometimes the magic works and sometimes it doesn’t. I will always do my best but cannot guarantee results.
Important: Please add acuityscheduling.com to your address book to allow you to receive reminders as your healing dates and payment options approach.
The Cup of Kindness Healing
The Cup of Kindness healing represents Jason's ongoing relationship with the Great Mother and Jason’s Shamanic and Kabbalistic work.