...pass through the doorway of personal attachment
and enter the endless place of our origin

Impersonal Movement
Impersonal Movement is a form of moving meditation developed by Jason Shulman that focuses on setting up the conditions to experience the unitive state. It is a spiritual tool designed to bring its practitioners to an experience of their own fundamental nature.
The practice of IM allows us to experience directly the change of perspective we have heard spiritual masters speak of—to pass through the doorway of personal attachment and enter the endless place of our origin. Whether we call it " letting go of the ego," "transcendence," "God-consciousness," "enlightenment," "wholeness,” or “awakening," it is this we come into a relationship with in the practice of IM.
Impersonal Movement is learned in two parts: IM/1 and IM/2. While IM/1 and IM/2 can always be used as stand-alone practices, the full scope and impact of Impersonal Movement is seen only when the work of IM/1 and IM/2 are combined.
IM/1 is taught in three, two-day weekend sessions. In this portion of the training, students receive a grounding in their ability to understand and embody the nondual state of consciousness. In IM/1 we build, through a series of stages, to a point where our consciousness changes from an egoically myopic state—in which the personal self is seen as the only valuable point of view—to a state in which the self and non-self coexist simultaneously as parts of a larger whole. This fundamental shift in consciousness from what Buddhists call “little mind” to “big mind” is the state of being in which we fit into the world rather than the world fitting into us.
This shift in perspective gives the practitioner a profound and radically different view of reality, which is no longer seen solely through the tired, historical eyes of our personal and cultural wounding. In a sense, IM/1 gives us a direct encounter with life.
IM/2 is taught in two, two-day sessions. IM/1 is a prerequisite. IM/2 is the culmination of Impersonal Movement practice: It brings this work full circle.
While IM/1 deconstructs the sense of the personal-I, giving us a glimpse of the awakened or unitive state not limited by a central watcher, IM/2 works with the personal self. The personal self, as understood in IM/2, is not the neurotic self but the sense of personhood—called “the personal-with-no-history”—that remains after our history no longer has an exclusive hold on our attention. The personal-with-no-history is the only version of the individual who can stand fearlessly in the face of the absolute. It is the vivid reclamation of the now-integrated ego that makes each of us a unique expression of God’s love and our own Buddha Nature.
If you are interested in learning more about Impersonal Movement or applying for Training, please write to us.