About Jason Shulman

Jason Shulman

Spiritual Teacher & Healer

Founder of A Society of Souls
Published Books:
Re-Breathing Buddha’s
Four Noble Truths
A Contemporary Shamanistic Path
& Thoroughgoing Training for
Awakening the Self.
The Work of Briah
[The Set of the World]
The Master of Hiddenness
The Configurations
Expressions of True Nonduality
A Nondual Method for Personal Awakening and the Resolution of Conflict
What does reward bring you but to bind you to Heaven like a slave? (Poetry)
The Instruction Manual for Receiving God
Translated into several languages
A Path to an Awakened Soul
Who is Jason Shulman?
Jinen Jason Shulman is an internationally-known American spiritual teacher, modern kabbalist, and a recognized Buddhist teacher. He is the author of Kabbalistic Healing: A Path to an Awakened Soul (Inner Traditions), The Instruction Manual for Receiving God (Sounds True), The MAGI Process, Ecstatic Speech, The Kabbalah Monographs, The Nondual Shaman and Re-Breathing Buddha’s Four Noble Truths (all published by The Foundation for Nonduality). His three music CDs, the Great Transparency, Unlock My Heart and Buddha-Cloud, (also on iTunes) communicate his teachings in a way that goes straight to the heart.
All of the work of A Society of Souls (ASOS) is the direct transmission of Jason’s profound realization of the nondual nature of reality. From this, he has created a path of healing and awakening, which seamlessly integrates theistic and non-theistic spiritual thought and practice, uniting work on the personal self—with all of its suffering and beauty—with learning how to reside in the spaciousness of the absolute.
Jason has always been interested in the great questions of life and death. His earliest memories of thinking involve trying to figure out the notion of infinity. Whether it was the vast distances between galaxies, or the “unknowable universe of death,” as he states it, his imagination was captured by trying to find out why we are here and where we are going. His continuing explorations into the nature of reality have taken him from poetry and literature to higher-level physics and from personal spiritual studies to inquiry into the mystical traditions of many of the world’s major religions. His sense has always been that the views of reality offered by Advaitic and Buddhist understandings and the views of the theistic, personal God had to be—must be—one and the same thing.
Jason has a unique perspective on human consciousness and the nature of existence. He has created an important healing path for our age—one that impeccably honors the struggles of human imperfection, difference, and constant change, while also recognizing the already-awakened, already-enlightened nature of reality. His deep understanding and compassion for all of life have allowed him to create a clearly delineated and replicable path for others to follow.
To this end, Jason created A Society of Souls (ASOS) in 1993, a school, a path and a community for those seeking a transformation of consciousness to heal themselves, others, and this precious planet which cradles us all. The work of ASOS includes Nondual Kabbalistic Healing, Nondual Shamanism, Impersonal Movement, Work of Return and The Magi Process.