In-Depth Training
with Rachel Zimmer + Tove Borgendale
​From Jason Shulman:
I am very pleased to announce that, for the first time in three years a new training in Nondual Shamanism will be starting in March 2024.
This seven-part online class, followed by an in-person four-day retreat, will be taught by Tove Borgendale and Rachel Zimmer who have had intensive training with me for the last seven years. I am thrilled to have them carry on this deeply intimate discipline.
Through the study of Nondual Shaman we gain a greater understanding of our divine nature and can cultivate a more profound sense of presence, clarity, beauty, and purpose. By doing this work, we also connect more
deeply with spiritual dimensions of reality in a grounded and embodied way. The tangible practices, insights, and tools you will learn and use in this training will allow you to access deeper levels of consciousness that are
part of every human being’s birthright.
Jason suggests that all applicants read portions of The Nondual Shaman: A Contemporary Shamanistic Path and Thoroughgoing Path for Awakening the Self in order to better inform your decision to take this training.