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Trainings and Events


Events & Trainings

The Instruction Manual for Receiving God - Online Course

Tim Rothschild

Tuesdays at 6pm EST beginning April 1st 2025


NKH Dubai

Samar Ajami

Beginning November 2024


NKH Europe

Tadeja Bradaš

Beginning Autumn 2025



A new Nondual Healing Training will start in Dubai, UAE in March 2024.

Class One: November 15 - 17, 2024

Class Two: January 31 - February 2, 2025

Class Three:  May 2 - 4, 2025

Class Four: September 12-14, 2025

This training will be taught by Senior Teacher Samar Ajami. A passionate traveler and a life-long learner. Samar’s practice is focused on cultivating a heart-centered relationship with the self, others, and all of life. Her work is rooted in self-kindness and in the understanding of the human condition.



A Society of Souls is happy to announce that a new European Nondual Kabbalistic Healing Training class will begin in the Autumn of 2025.

This new training will be held in Slovenia.

We are now open for registration.

Click here to send an inquiry form or visit Tadeja's website at

Planned dates for year one are:

October 3-5, 2025

January 9-11, 2026

April 10-12, 2026

July 3-5, 2026


The Instruction Manual for Receiving God: 

a Six Week Course


April 1,8,15,22,29, + May 6th 2025

Time: 6pm EST


In this 6 week series, based on the Instruction Manual for Receiving God, written by Jinen Jason Shulman, we focus on a nondual approach to intimacy and relationship to ourselves, others, and God. As Jason says in Receiving God, “it is the actual, continuous, omnipresence of God that is so hard for the human mind to fathom. We always look in the wrong direction: toward someplace else, toward something mysterious and far away…but God is not missing or elusive or invisible. It is we who need to make ourselves ready to receive God, who is always knocking at the door of our hearts, whose Voice is always speaking, whose Heart makes our hearts beat, and whose Breath is the world.”

To begin, we take a look at God/Reality/Awakening and as God as the Ultimate Container. The series continues with a look at life as being a mystery of love, what it means to have an open heart, receiving God and using our creativity to become an artist of our soul. We continue with being with God as a nondual state, including a focus on life and death as nested opposites and finally we arrive at knowing God/Reality/Awakening as our birthright and destiny.

This six week series explores a nondual approach to our human life and all that it is, including our barriers and blocks to being with life and therefore being able to receive God – All That Is. 

We will be meeting on Zoom, these classes will be recorded.

Please note, purchasing Jason's book is recommended for this class, you can do so by clicking here

Meet the Teacher

Tim Rothschild

Founder of The Third Thing Network and Co-Founder of The Divine Movement, Tim Rothschild is an explorer, dedicating his life to healing and awakening work. His focus remains on the realms of conflict resolution, map-making, and what it means to be a human being. He is a graduate of ASOS and continues his work through Advanced Studies Groups, Teacher Training programs, as well as a nondual approach to intimacy. He is also a practitioner of the Nondual Process for Conflict Resolution, Impersonal Movement 1 and 2 and the Work of Return, all programs in A Society of Souls. Tim is an apprentice in the four-year ASOS class in the United Arab Emirates.



Spirituality & Cancer

Video interview

Psychotherapist Dr. Timothy Walker, Rev David Maginley, and Oncologist Rob Rutledge interviewed Jason. Visit also to learn more.

Something Wonderful: A New Song by Jason Shulman


The Black Lives Matter movement has changed me deeply and awakened me to the fact that there were parts of my own humanity that had not yet come fully into my consciousness. Some of these realizations were painful to go through but the pain of not seeing them would have been infinitely greater. The opportunity presented by the Black community’s rising up is something I will always be grateful for. Also, it led to this song which is part of the action I needed to take to ground my new awareness and share my art. As my passion for justice was awakened, my acute awareness of the suffering of all beings was heightened as well. To be clear: It was only through limiting my focus to Black lives matter and not generalizing that immediately to all peoples and times, that I was able to feel the dance we all make with the devil of injustice and have done so, dehumanizing this group or that, throughout history. Seeing how I had conveniently participated in injustice by my lack of awareness of one particular groups suffering allowed me to expand the lyrics of the song to include other injustices as well.

Healing into Awakening - Episode 7: Forgiveness by Jason Shulman


This episode features a recording of the Foundation for Nonduality and A Society of Souls Community Meeting from March 18th 2020. This opening message from Jason Shulman can resonate with many during this time in history, and beyond.

Never Alone: A New Music Video from Jason Shulman - A Gift of Gratitude

Video music

This video is a gift of gratitude for all the people on the front line, all the parents at home with their kids, the people worried about making a living and all of us, never alone together.

Healing into Awakening - Episode 6: Evening Prayer by Jason Shulman


I have been a musician and songwriter for most of my adult life. In the last few years, I’ve returned to writing music and composing songs. This song was written a few months before the Covid-19 emergency.

Healing into Awakening - Episode 5: There's No Life But This One with Jason Shulman


In true nonduality, we understand that a fish never leaves the water. The fish never comes to the end of the water, even if it is an explorer fish, swimming this way and that. It never comes to the end of the ocean because its nature is to be in the water.

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